Greenhouse Services and Rates

Service ItemUnitUBC UserNon-UBC User
Benchper m2 / month$12.00$30.00
Floor space roof patioper m2 / month$8.00$15.00
Technicianper hour$30.00$60.00
Watering by handper hour$30.00$60.00
Set-up feeper hour$50.00$100.00
Clean-up feeper hour$50.00$100.00


The greenhouse is located on the fourth floor of the Biosciences Building (rooms 4002, 4002A and 4003). The greenhouse is divided into two compartments that have a separate climate control. The west zone is for the tropical collection, and the east is for growing lab materials and for researchers’ experimental growing.

The temperature of the tropical zone is maintained on average between 21-23 degrees Celsius (71-73 degrees Fahrenheit) in the autumn-winter seasons, and between 23-25 degrees Celsius in spring-summer (73-77 degrees Fahrenheit). The tropical zone has an Aquafog installed to increase the relative humidity to 60% on average. The average number of lighting hours is 12.

The temperature of the growing area is maintained on average between 20-22 degrees Celsius (68-71 degrees Fahrenheit) throughout the year. This zone has evaporative coolers to maintain fresher summer temperatures. The average number of lighting hours is 10.

Work-Learn Program

The UBC Work-Learn Program provides on-campus jobs to undergraduate and graduate students. The positions are designed to be a mutually beneficial arrangement for the student worker and the unit they are hired in. The student worker contributes valuable work hours into the unit while being actively taught more about the field and the work force than they might require in a normal job.

The greenhouse has at least one work learn student per term. Work-learn students are an integral part of the greenhouse staff and operations. They help with the routine work in the greenhouse such as watering, seeding, pruning, transplanting, repotting, etc. The tasks they are assigned can increase in complexity as they gain more knowledge and prove trustworthiness.

Work-learn students should complete the routine maintenance of the facility and be involved in work that directly relates to their interests.

Some of the most common tasks are listed below:

SweepingWatering and fertilizing by hand
Mixing stock fertilizerSeeding
Washing potsTransplanting
SeedingPest scouting
Repotting Insect identification
Releasing beneficial insectsDeadheading
Pest scoutingPruning
Deep clean compartments Weeding
Insect identification
Individual projects
Cleaning debris/fallen leaves


Occasionally, individuals are interested in volunteering at the greenhouse. Volunteer positions can be very flexible depending on the individual’s interests. Some are interested in a break from their studies, others are interested in learning more about horticulture and can be taught similarly to Work-learn students, depending on their initial skill level and commitment.

Volunteer shifts should be a minimum of 2 hours per week.